
Mariska's story


Mariska detail
Mariska Pak Hostel manager
Partnerlogo stayokay

Until 2021, Mariska Pak (31) worked as a front office manager for two Stayokay locations in Amsterdam. She then got the opportunity to become a hostel manager at Stayokay in The Hague.

Why is hospitality your world?

“Very simple, I love chaos. The crazier, the better. Complaints don’t stress me out; it’s more of a challenge to make a guest leave satisfied and come back. That’s the challenge of our profession; satisfied guests. First and foremost, it’s a team effort, although it’s increasingly challenging in these times. For me, the biggest challenge is to have and maintain a stable team because that way, you get more out of everyone. I also want to keep shifting the focus within the team so that everyone can and continues to grow. Very simply put, without a team, you have no hostel to run.”

Is it difficult for you to find good people?

“Absolutely. We have been a bit more lenient in hiring new staff, but this has allowed me to hire some very interesting people. Think of people who were in critical situations at home or temporarily without a roof over their heads, but who are very good at their job. I gave them a chance, and now I’m reaping the benefits. I recently told a colleague that it sometimes feels like a social workplace. It was quite bold, but it has really paid off. Those people are still working with me. They get positive energy from working at Stayokay. A Stayokay employee wants, above all, personal contact with the guests.”

How would colleagues describe you?

“People often say: you are always so calm, you never stress. I take that as a compliment. I see it that way myself too. People are quick to say they are busy, busy. Busyness is in your mind, I think. I learned that during my first internship in the hospitality industry, and I’ve experienced it that way ever since. When I came back from maternity leave, people were happy because apparently, I can convey that calmness to others.”

Speaking of challenges, you have a young family alongside your job.

“That’s right. I have two children aged 1 and 3. I had them during my growth period within Stayokay, which was a challenge. But at the same time, it was incredibly fun. I am triggered by having challenges around me. If I have everything under control, I get restless. That’s why it works well for me, having a family life and a career as a hostel manager. It’s about managing your time wisely, puzzling it out. I’m pretty easygoing, though. I’m not someone who needs to have dinner at exactly 6 p.m. Well, I might sleep a bit less, but then I have the time to get things done. That makes me feel comfortable. I set the alarm to work out; otherwise, I won’t go. And that gives me a lot of energy.”