
“I remain hungry for culinary experimentation”

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Berry Hoosemans Culinary advisor
Partner bonduelle

Berry Hoosemans started as an apprentice chef and now has the best job in the world. For over 20 years, he has been working as a Culinary Advisor at Bonduelle, and food is his great passion. “I have been following my heart for 40 years and get to work with food every day. How amazing is that?”

Tell us, how did you get to where you are now?

“The beauty of hospitality is that you are never done learning. I have worked as an inspector in food safety, 16 years in the hospitality industry, and even as an account manager. But now, I have been fulfilling this wonderful role at Bonduelle for 23 years. What exactly do I do? It varies from having conversations with chefs of hotel chains, wholesalers, caterers, and hospitals, to brainstorming about recipes, but I also sit down with the product developers. Additionally, I make Bonduelle visible at trade shows, come up with dishes for the website, supervise photo shoots, and we attend events like Food Inspiration Days. You name it! Yes, you could say I have found my dream job. I have the most variable job at Bonduelle.”

You must have a huge passion for food.

“That passion for food is just in me. Wherever I go, even on vacation, I always check out the local shops. What’s available, how does it look, what ingredients do they combine? I also find it important to stay up-to-date. In my work, I can create something new every day, think of something different, put together something beautiful. People enjoying something you’ve presented to them. Isn’t that wonderful? Also, at my age, you can learn something new from someone every day.”

What really gives you an energy boost?

“I cook at home every day too, surprising, right? I just enjoy trying new things. It keeps me sharp. I don’t have to like everything, but I want to know what’s on the market. I started in the kitchen at 18, and I remember making a chocolate mousse with some strawberries. My boss said that was really not appropriate. Well, look at these times! We love chocolate fountains, and the whole fruit basket can go underneath! What I mean is, if I cooked the same way now as I did when I was 18, I would find it boring. This profession is about continuously learning, trying, and adapting.”

Why do you enjoy working for Bonduelle?

“For me as a chef at Bonduelle, vegetables, grains, but especially legumes are interesting because they are sustainable, have endless culinary possibilities, and are very affordable. Ideal ingredients to cook with. Moreover, they are rich in proteins, fibers, vitamins, proteins, and minerals, contribute to a healthy digestion, and are nutritious. Serving a smaller portion of meat or fish and adding legumes saves costs and also contributes nicely to sustainability.”

Does this give you satisfaction in your work?

“Look, I think that as a Culinary Advisor at Bonduelle, I can help lower the barriers for chefs to cook healthier and more sustainably. By sharing knowledge and inspiration about legumes, I try to contribute to the protein transition (in other words, shifting to more plant-based proteins). So on the one hand, I can do what I love most: being creative in the kitchen. On the other hand, I contribute to our overall well-being and the health of our planet.”

What quality do you need to succeed in this industry?

“I would say: creativity and thinking outside the box. Let me give you an example. Together with a bakery, we came up with a waffle batter with 60% pure vegetables. I could never have imagined that as a young chef, but it’s really tasty. If I can surprise people with my work, then that’s fantastic, right? Look, in the kitchen, it’s about being healthy and nutritious, but I also want it to be tasty and look good. Make it an Instagram-worthy picture, that’s appealing. There’s still a belief that you can’t build a successful career in hospitality, but that’s a big misconception. I’ve been in this field for many years, and I’ve met many talented people who have come a long way in this profession.”

What tips do you have for young people starting their careers?

“Discover what you like. Is bread and pastry your passion, or do you prefer to stand behind the stove? You can only find out by doing it. See what suits you, what you have a feel for. In the kitchen, you can always express your creativity. Dare to experiment and combine! I once came up with a cheesecake with pumpkin and mango. Recently, I created a popcorn from white beans and a spread from green chickpeas. Oh, and did you know cauliflower goes perfectly with pineapple? Go wild, because the possibilities are endless.”